Friday, February 11, 2011


To write words that make others think and feel.
To create things that challenge me and/or make me smile.
To accept people and situations for what they are.
To experience life and share my thoughts with others.
To love people and animals with my whole heart.
To be at peace with myself and those around me.
To make others happy through my own quest for joy.
To smile and laugh as often as I possibly can.
To work hard at what I love to do to reach my goals.
To cultivate and sustain meaningful relationships.
To push myself out of my (many!) comfort zones.
To challenge myself and others to embrace positivity.
To live in the moment (even when it's a tough one).
To look for and celebrate the good things in life. 
"I think the purpose of life is to be useful, 
to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate.  
It is, after all, to matter: to count, to stand for something, 
to have made some difference that you lived at all."
Leo Rosten

What did you think of Rosten's ideas of what life's purpose is? 
Have you given some thought now to your own purpose? What IS your purpose?

As we all know our purposes in life differs but its our ability to know what we want out of life that constitute the driving force to living a fulfilled Life to its fullest.
To get to this stage there is a lot about our Thoughts and who we finally become. Quickly lets look at things we can imbibe to positively give us the confidence and eventually make us who we ought to be to live life to its fullness and ultimately fulfilling purpose:

  •  Most negative thoughts are based on a misinterpretation of the situation. If you feel negative, look around the situation. Are the facts on which you base your pessimism correct? Are you really judging other people accurately? Are you imagining the worst, with no actual reason for doing so? Try to shift your attitude to a more positive one.
  •  Alter your mental images. By exploring and developing your mental representations you can feel much better about yourself and life. For example, if you're feeling resentful towards your partner, imagine him as a small child who needs a hug. If you feel threatened by a colleague, imagine her in a silly hat. If the weather's awful, imagine a sunny day.
  • One way to achieve long-term positivity is to ask why you are thinking negatively. Are you frightened of what might happen in life - scared of being cut dead by friends, losing your job, splitting up with your partner? The answer is to face the fear, imagining what you would do and how you would cope if these things happened. Once you've faced up to your worst fear, it will automatically feel less scary and you'll be more able to cope.
  •  Using constructive language can turn your negative thoughts around. Be aware of your words. Instead of thinking 'I can't', tell yourself how you can. Instead of saying, 'I regret' say, 'next time I will'. Instead of 'this is awful' tell yourself what opportunities there are in the situation.
  •  Learn to handle strong negative emotions. If you feel bad, don't bottle it up or push it down. Instead, work off the bad feeling with physical exercise. Calm yourself by relaxing and focusing on calming thoughts. Talk through your feelings with a friend or a professional counselor.
  • Optimists take credit for the good things that happen, while putting the bad things down to coincidence, circumstance or mistake. Although you need to take responsibility for what goes on in your life - if something goes wrong, don't take all the blame. Focus on your successes and recognize your contribution to things that turn out well.
  • You won't feel positive if you spend most of your time doing things you hate. If you are in the wrong job, change it. If you are in the wrong relationship, move on. Make time each day to do activities you enjoy and to indulge yourself.
  •  Don't let a tiny problem escalate into disaster. Immediately stop the downward spiral by injecting some positivity into the situation. Do something small that you know will succeed - such as a small specific task that you've done many times and that you know you are not going to fail at - this can be anything from making a cup of tea, writing an email or tidying a file. Let this sense of achievement boost you to take another, bigger step to success.                                                                                                

  The more meaning you see in life, the easier you will find it to be positive. This means having a sense that there is a plan, a point, a purpose to life. Spend time thinking about why you are here in this world - and then let that sense of purpose guide you. I BELIEVE YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE...I BELIEVE IN YOU

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